Life is BUSY! B-U-S-Y, BUSY! But good. Matt and I are doing well. We just celebrated our 7th year of marriage!! Its so hard to believe. So much time has passed...We are doing well tho. The Deeper Still conference was absolutely AMAZING! A beautiful time of worshiping God and growing in his word!! It was truly a blessed time!!! Food for my weary soul!! Then we had this amazing worship this weekend at church!! Its our 25th anniversary at church and we did 25 years of Worship. So we went through all the years of music and CD's and just worshiped God all evening! So fabulous!! Then Matt and I came home and we listened to our new CD from church and worshiped some more!!! Just a good ol' fashioned soul feedin'!
So I figured I'd post some pics from the weekend revival:
All the girls
Me and my friend M
Me and my friend S
S and M being their cute selves!
The three of us!!
And these are the pics from our anniversary outing with our friends J & R. It was their anniversary on the 18th and R's bday was the same as our anny, so we had tons to celebrate. We went to the melting pot and had a GRAND time!!! These are the flowers Matt sent me at work! They are still going strong 2 weeks later!!! (well 2 weeks tomorrow) Aren't they purdy? And then the pics of our anny outing!
R and J
All of us
The fondue chocolate we got. It was YUMMY
R blowing our her candle
Have a blessed day in the Lord!!!!!!!
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