Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year....New Oppurtunity...

Matt and I decided to share some news with you, as we feel we are going to need prayer from anyone we can reach. We are continuing to share the different journeys in our life, and want our readers to be a part of it...So as promised, here you go, our interesting news...

Because Matt was able to get his full time position back, he was also awarded BENEFITS. Something he usually doesn't have and my job carries. Well we went through the different plans and where I'm grateful to HAVE insurance, mine was so-so and REALLY expensive... (My portion is $750ish a month) Not to mention co pays and out of pocket costs are expensive. The joys of a small company. Well usually if Matt has insurance, its really crummy PPO type stuff where you pay enormous amounts for deductibles and out of pocket. Well this year, Apple has an HMOish type plan that is SOOO much better then mine, cheaper out of pocket and, get this, about $500 LESS a month! Yes you read that right. We are netting an additional $500 a month b/c of this new insurance! GOD IS GOOD!!!

So of course we decided to switch insurances. We are now on Apple's plan as of January 1st. Now I know you are asking me WHY I'm boring you with the details of our health insurance life....Well here is the interesting news/opportunity...Are you ready? Sitting down? OK here we go...


Amazing right?? We are overjoyed! A ginormous chunk of IVF is covered by this insurance plan and makes the remaining cost so much more affordable that we can actually proceed forward with doing IVF to try and have a baby....(If you have no idea what IVF is, click here IVF to find out more) Now I'm sure there are some who are still saying "HUH?? What??"...So here's a background.

Matt and I need IVF with ICSI. Basically in a nutshell, we've been told our chances of conceiving on our own is about 2% or less, and even with IVF, chances are not that great. However they are considerably more then 2. However, for 6 years, this has been an unattainable goal, as IVF runs from $15-25,000 a cycle (yes that is 3 zeros). Knowing that something is your only option, yet knowing that option is so completely far out of reach, is rather depressing and frustrating. We've begged God for an option, a miracle, a plan, but have come up with NOTHING...Until now. :-)

We sat back and just looked at the situation in amazement. How God is orchestrating His will to fall in line. My job change will make it so much easier to take a few days off, to go to MD appt's, and much less stress to provide a much better resting place for little embryos. Financially we are much more stable, we are both healthier then we've been in years. I FEEL better, emotionally, physically, spiritually. If I tried to do IVF while still with the district, well, let's just say I don't think it would happen or take even if we were able too. Stress level was so far beyond tolerable, I can't imagine a little embie wanting to stick! LOL This is the time, God's timing, for us to try.

You don't have to tell me that "it may not work, you may not be able to, you may not get pg". I'm aware of reality. However we are moving forward prayerfully and feel God moving with us. Even when it slipped out to my office manager, she was so happy for us!! I know right? happy!! And very encouraging and supportive of taking time off, going to appt's, long lunches, etc. I can't tell you how happy it made me when she lit up all excited for this opportunity for us!!! WOOT! Just God opening another door, calming another fear, showing Himself in another situation. What an awesome God we serve!

So here we go! Our appointment with the new, insurance covered Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) is January 29th. Just 12 short days away! I'm nervous and excited and happy and scared and EEK! This is it. Our final chance for a biological child. We will do this only once, I will not subject my body to more then one fresh cycle. If it works, yay, if it doesn't, then trying to conceive a biological child will be over. And whether a child comes this way or doesn't, God is still good, and I will still love Him. Yes of course I would grieve at the loss of a bio child, but we will have been grateful for the CHANCE and the closure. But for now, I'm remaining optimistic.

So here is where my readers come in. We need PRAYER. Lots and Lots of prayer. This will be a tedious road, in all areas. I know that a journey is coming that will take every ounce of strength I have, and we both are going to need to be held up in prayer by those we love and who love us. For me physically as I endure shots and hormones and procedures, and Matt as he deals with his psychotic wife who is on hormones and shots!! We are asking for you to join us in this journey, to be a part of whatever it is God has in store for us. To support us through the good, and the bad, whatever it may be.

So for now, prayer as we prepare for the first leg of the journey, the CONSULT, the first round of tests, and the actual cost that we will have to pay out of pocket.We appreciate your love and support!!! Please know that!! More is to come! I hope you are ready for some long posts, cuz me thinks they shall be a-comin'!! Have a blessed day in the Lord!!!


John David Marr said...

Oh, Talley!!! I am just over the moon with excitement for you. I will be doing some serious praying for you guys. Congratulations on making it through to this point. I know God will continue to carry you through this next phase in your journey.

-Kate Marr

TMac said...

HI KATE! I was just thinking about you. How funny...Thanks so much!! We are excited. :^)

Patti said...

Good news you two.... I will pray for Matt, mood swings are not we read your blog even if you don't hear from us..xxoo have a good doctor appointment..