Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wow 2 days in a row!!!

That has to be like miraculous!!! I actually am posting two days in a row!!! AWESOME! :)

So nothing interesting going on. The clinic today was hoppin' mad!!!! I sent home 1/2 dozen kids from the same class with head lice. EWWW!!! Now I'm all scratchy... All kinds of psycho-social craziness going on!!! Only 2 1/2 weeks until spring break. Which just happens to also be the time till our trip to Las Vegas with my brother Jon and SIL Kristin! Hip hip hooray!

I'm so in need of another weekend at the beach. Our bible study and lil ol' me went up to Vero Beach. Matt had to work so couldn't go!! :( Me sad b/c he would have LOVED it. You walk out in the back yard and there you have the ocean! Can't beat it!! But oh how burned I am. Me and my pale non tanning skin. Oh and now my face is peeling from this lovely burn!!! It's the PRE peel kind of peel. The one that leaves your skin all raw and dry like a snake?? Then it shall peel again and I'll be my casper white once again! That is what I get for not wearing sunscreen! But I swore it would work by proxy!!! It was in my bag up at the beach house!!! Everyone at work thinks my blood pressure is through the roof b/c the rest of me isn't really burned, just my face!!!! Even matt is a bit grossed out by the sunset red with flakes of skin peeling off! EWWW...

Let's see, second post, not a lot to say. Matt do you have anything to say????

Matt: Uh.. Uh....I'm not good at blogs...Uh, uh...Not much happening, I worked out and I'm now folding laundry. Uh, that's all...

OK, so there you have it word for word! Matt's interesting day...OK we warned you ahead of time we would be a nonsense kind of blog! As long as the days are boring, then our lives are calm, which we could so use right now!

We hope you all have a blessed day in the Lord!

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