Sunday, August 5, 2007


Hey everyone!! so sorry that we have not been posting much lately. It has been BONKERS in the MAC house! I went to IN to visit a girlfriend of mine and was gone for a few days...I came home to a leak in our kitchen, didn't know what it was but as the rain intensified, so did the leak. Turns out our main pipe coming into the kitchen is leaking under the concrete and tile draining water into the ground, or while it's raining, into the kitchen. WE have extensive damage to the wall and the counter/island thing...SO we are without water right now as we are waiting on insurance to work through the numbers and to start demo...PRAISE GOD we will be getting a WHOLE NEW KITCHEN!!! and a fixed leak at the same time!!! LOL We started out at my mom's house and stayed there for a week when the water was turned off, but the insurance company didn't like that Matt wasn't in a safe envioronment (example: he fell in the shower! OUCH). So they gave us an advance on Loss of Use, and moved us into a wonderful Hampton Inn...EVEN BETTER, God gave us a SUITE for only $10 more a night, and it is HUGE!! We will be there for the next month, and I don't have much access to a computer, except when I'm home to work on projects...

On the Infertility front, matt and I did a few things this summer, including an IUI, intrauterine insemenation .

Unfortunately it resulted in a negative outcome. Since then we have been put back on hold do to a cyst that I developed b/c of the treatment cycle. We were heartbroken, confused, and frustrated. But I know God is in control. We are continuing to hold out hope for our miracles to be created!!! We just pray it isn't to much longer.

Well that is it from the Mac front. We will be back and forth as much as possible! We miss you all! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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