Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Monday

Hi to all those faithful readers! LOL!! HA..

WE ARE HOME! well actually we've been home for a couple of weeks, just been busy. It's been relatively quiet the last few days! YAY!! So not much new going on. We are waiting on the cabinets to come in (Some time in mid October) so that we can start demo of our kitchen! YAY! Then we'll have to order countertops, and THAT takes a few weeks to come in. THEN we'll be done! YAY! All in all we should be done before Christmas with the kitchen remodel! YAY!!!

Matt had his follow up testing from being in the hospital, and everything came back NORMAL! YAY! I'm so glad, not that I suspected tumor or anything but you always just wonder. We are currently waiting and hoping and find out soon if we have a miracle on the way. All though I'm not holding on to much hope...This cycle was very poor, and I'm trying not to get hopes to high, so I'm not crashing so much on the way down...Hurts a lot less when the falls not to far from the ground!

I've also been missing OMA, and thinking and dreaming a lot about her. Matt and I were in a sentimental mood and watched our wedding video. And there was Oma, BEAUTIFUL as always, but so very healthy!! Picture of Christ in her. It was neat looking at everyone else too. Matt thinks it is strange to see himself walking b/c it's been so long since he really has! It is kind of weird. Seems like a dream, him walking. It feels like I've always known him in the Chair. Id ont' care either way, he is still cute to me and the love of my life!! :)

Our anniversary is coming up, hard to believe 5 years have come and gone! hee hee...Dunno what we will do, probably nuttin, just movies, dinner, that kind of thing. If you think about it, keep matt in Prayers. He is due for a promotion at work and has worked hard for it. We will know soon! HE is excited and hopeful! AND deserves it!

Well I guess I should get to work. Must make sure these little ones are all good! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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