Friday, July 18, 2008

Just Checking In

Things have been busy since Daytona. I've been working pretty frequently sittin' on babies, Matt went back to work on Monday (YAYAYAYAY!), and the house has been kept up on!! (which is a miracle in itself)

We went for a post op appt on Wednesday and had the cast taken off of matt's footsie. The bone itself looks good, its healing, but we found that an incision area didn't heal properly while casted. Matt has an open sore on his big toe about the size of a q-tip head, and its oozy and red and swollen. They do not think its infected b/c Matt doesn't have severe pain, which is good, but he has to have wet to dry dressing changes 3 x a day. Matt's frustrated b/c its not healing "perfectly" like past surgeries. I try to tell him that if this is the first time he has had an issue with the dozens of surgeries he's had to have, then YAY. He didn't go for it.

So my kitchen has become the "dressing area" full of gauze and kerlex, and betadine. FUN O FUN. Always something going on. SO if you could please keep him in your prayers, that the wound will continue to heal with very little issue and no infection.

Oh in other news, my dear friend L from high school is GETTING MARRIED! I'm so excited for her! She has asked me and our friend N to be in the wedding. The downfall is its in SIX WEEKS! ACK in PENNSYLVANIA! EEK. So end of August I'll be flying to PA. I'm kinda excited about it really. Should be fun! I'll fly up with N (lives locally here) and we'll get to be all purdy together!!!!!

OK off to do some laundry. Have a blessed day in the Lord!!!!

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