Monday, July 28, 2008

Matt Update MONDAY

Matt's surgery went very very well. but he has been in, quote "the 9th ring of hell" all day today...
Surgery this morning showed very little infectious stuff (no abscess or pus pockets) just major inflammatory changes and stuff. he cleaned everything out and stitched up his wound and took some more deep tissue cultures. Looks good in an infection since.

Then he came back up to the room after a bone scan, where he proceeded to have his lovely bladder spasms that ended him having to be cath'd again (like last time in surgery) The boy doesn't listen to his smart wife who TOLD him to have a foley cath in SURGERY and take it out after his bladder is awake...but not nice at all...

Then they were going to bring him downstairs later and sedate him to do the PICC line placement. They were gonna give just a little IV sedation, knock him out, put in the line, and wah-lah all done wake up life goes on. Well 15 minutes before they came for him, his IV blew in his hand, and he no longer had IV access. SO they came up and he hadn't gotten an IV yet (which turned out to be a blessing) b/c they were able to convince matt to go with the PICC line while awake. He said it was limited discomfort and he did SO WELL!!! I'm so proud of him for enduring it...Some not so nice words came out of his mouth, but I think God will forgive him based on what he was having done! hee hee....

But just praise God he is doing so well (after leaving his 9th ring of hell of course)....We are waiting on his cultures to start growing some buggies, so we know what antibiotic would be the most beneficial to go home with. Don't want to do all of this for the wrong bug and be taking the wrong antibiotic. So we'll be here a couple more days. But the torture is over with for now. So that's it! That is our update for today! Praising God we made it through this very difficult day! Talk to you later!

Prayer Requests
1. Continued healing and pain relief
2. Quick growing cultures so we know what bug we are fighting
3. Wisdom and strength for the MD's in all of this
4. Finances, we have 3 days till mortgage is due and we are $400 behind....

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