Sunday, May 17, 2009

OK I'm calmer now...

So I know I went a bit postal on my last post, but hey, it is my hope that through tall this I can help to educate and hopefully help some person GET this journey we are on!!! The only way to do that sometimes is to lay it all on the table! The truth hurts, and the situation hurts, but there is times when it is OK to just be bleh.

And like I thought, I was OK on Monday and feeling better this week. Sunday was just a hard day for me. I enjoyed hiding under my rock, ate some yummy chocolate, cried at Lifetime movies, and over all was A-OK the next day. And in fact I took my mommy out today and she and I had lunch then went shopping! We had a wonderful day! She is such a blessing in my life!

I've had a very crazy productive week. Its amazing how much better I am feeling physcially! I haven't felt this good in I can't even tell you how long! I have more energy, I sleep less, I feel better, I'm down a total of just about 20lbs and I JUST FEEL GOOD! I was looking at a goofy picture that I took with our computer and I'm dirty and gross and shiny b/c of being, well, gross and hot from outside. But my face, my eyes, I look so much better! I can see it, my husband sees it, my family, shoot even my students can see it! crazy...

Its nuts b/c I think my body is even trying to expel all the nasties in it. For example (and those on Facebook would have seen this): my foot started hurting last weekend. It was sore to walk on and by Monday after work it HURT. So being the good little nurse, I went investigating. Found a huge pustule on the bottom under the ring toe. So I milked it and all this nasty pus came out, and that sucker HURT. Kept milking it, trying to get the gross out so I could get better and low and behold a 1 1/2 in straight pin came flying out!! I am not lying! 4 years ago, yes YEARS, I stepped on a straight pin that came from a Christmas ball that joy had eaten in our room. My foot had gotten all infected and stuff, took antibiotics, and then all was fine. Didn't know the pin was IN there. Outside of some tenderness to the area, it felt fine these last 4 years!!! I am still in shock that it came out!! Or that it was in there for so long! Good golly...But my foot feels great now! Guess my body is tired of feeling bad and is getting rid of everything ICKY.

Let's see. Its been a crazy week of $$ issues, both cars broke down, the computer needed replacing, my car needed tires, not to mention the regular bills and food shopping. But we've gotten everything to where it needs to be, and I'm just thanking God for the resources to pay for stuff. All though my checkbook is very very tired from expelling so much money!! BLEH

I am very random tonight. Let's see 12 more days of school! Praise God almighty! I'm so ready for this year to be over. Its been one thing after the other not to mention all the work drama since February. I am working on "fixing" that situation, but I can not post anymore then that b/c this is a public site. Just continue to keep us in your prayers as we work through the drama.

OK Matt is yelling he wants to go to bed and I'm keeping him up. So on this very random note of a post, I'm off to bed. Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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