Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow. I've been gone for a bit...

Sorry my faithful readers!! (HA)

It has just been absolutely nuts. End of the year always is!!! But I can actually say: SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!

School got out yesterday. I've got 2 more days, I'm finished at noon tomorrow. Then I'm DONE for two months!! Course I start my summer job next week! I was hired to a home health agency. I've already oriented and been set up with my handheld charting system. Its AMAZING!!! And my good friend Jan is the director of nursing, which always helps! Its such a nice environment and I'm looking forward to working with them. And there is potential for them to be bringing on peds, and potential for a full time position hopefully in the future.

Physically I'm doing much better. I went to the MD this week and things look good, but I had him play with my thyroid meds a bit, I'm going to have a sleep study done (B/c apnea is so prevalent in my family and quite frankly I forget to breathe when I'm AWAKE!)...They are gonna have a show!! I am such a horrible sleep walker/talker, which I have been told is not normal! So we shall see...I also bought a bike!! First night I did about a mile and a half! I'm very proud. I hate walking, so I figured, let me do what I love, and I love to bike!!! My tush was sore the next day, but I will still push through! I'm determined to stay in shape and keep the weight off I lost b/c of faulty Gall bladders. Course the other issue is I can EAT now!! Finally!! And that means I want to, which means I'm easily gonna gain, which I do not want to do. So we'll see! ☺

Matt is off til the 25th of June b/c the store is being remodeled. So he is home driving me crazy, but trying to be helpful. Its a nice break for him, and I'll be less busy with new job, so we can spend some time together! We're hoping for a getaway or two this summer, just a little break from reality! But we'll see with the finances...

OK back to finishing my work, so I can go HOME HOME HOME! Hope everyone is well!!! Have a blessed day in the Lord!! ♥

1 comment:

Patti said...

Nice to hear some good news and things are looking up....