Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know I'm just a bit late on posting, but can I say, life is busy?? But life is good! (Nice to hear, right?) Currently sitting here, waiting on jeans to dry b/c I have to be up early tomorrow, er um, make that later today, to go to a meeting for church. Can't have wrinkled jeans for church, now can I?? :-)

Matt went to Boston just before New Years. He left me all alone, but it was good. I worked New Year's Eve baby sitting about, oh, 50+ kids with 5 other ladies at the Ritz Carlton. OK they had 5 bounce houses IN their main ballroom!! And tables, and crafts, and movies, oh and popcorn, candy, ice cream, and cotton candy. Thankfully only one kid puked!! :-) What a night! But made some nice $$ running around and bouncing with kids. It was fun, but absolutely exhausting! I literally had to chill the rest of the weekend b/c I was wiped OUT! I missed celebrating with my hunny, but we got to hear screaming on the phone, I THINK it was him...

Work is picking up even more, so been steadily busy with that. Today is my first scheduled day off in a while, so I'm looking forward to finally taking down the tree (yes I know...) laundry and just relaxing. I was sick this week, and it seems to have passed so I don't want to overdo it.

Let's see, the ladybug is in the shop finally getting the rear end fixed and I'm stuck in a little wiener car. Nissan Versa. yea so not my style, and it smells like pot. Febreeze kills the smell for all of about 3 days. I stopped bringing the bottle in b/c I just have to go back out and spray the car! Lord willing my red baby will be back to me next week!! I can't WAIT!

I know a boring post, however I hear the buzzer. I promise I have some interesting news that I'm saving for a separate post...Matt and I have talked and decided we shall be sharing some stuff that shall be going on in our lives b/c we will need your support and prayers. But alas, that is a post for another day...Oh please know that you have to go through the security words and junk on the blog now, I got spammed some Japanese slut-ski junk, and I want to keep that off my blog!! I hope all is well! Remember to leave a comment if you read! I love to see who is browsing my blog!! Its nice to know I'm not just talking to outer space...And Japanese slut-ski's. Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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