Saturday, December 26, 2009

So I've been yelled at...

For not blogging. YAY someone reads my blog!!!

Sorry faithful readers, it has been bananas here. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! (Dish girls, that was for u!) I have tons of photos and lots to catch you up on, but alas, the pics are not downloaded, and the info is a jumble in my brain!! But its been good!!

We've definitely come into season at work...There is no mistaking it! Oh my its busy! But busy is good, busy means business!! All tho there have been a few nurses and patients I've wanted to strangle! We had a very blessed Christmas! God has been so good to us as always! We spent the first couple of hours with my mom and dad, then spent the rest of the morning with Matt's folks, then took the trek to Miami where we spent the afternoon and evening. I went to visit my Grandmother (my last living GRAND) with Matt at the ALF she resides in. She has Alzheimer's disease and requires constant care. Normally she is very too herself and distant. She is no longer the Mema I once new. But God was good this visit! She was smiling, trying to talk, holding my hand and kissing it, kissing me, blowing kisses to Matt. She kept patting Matt on the arm and even posed for a picture smiling (well smiling for her!) It was wonderful and a wonderful visit! I love leaving on that up note because you just never know with her how things will go. I left praising God for that smile and those kisses. Who knows what next time will bring, so I rejoice in today.

We then went to my aunt and uncle's where the whole fam damily joined in!! We feasted and did our gift exchange! My amazingly talented cuz hand beaded me a purse with butterflies. Its so amazing! Pictures to come! Promise!!

It was a wonderful blessed Christmas. But above all, God leaves me in shear amazement at the wonder of His amazing gift He gave to us!! He gave us His son, stripped down to an innocent, helpless baby who would grow into a man that would save us. Can you imagine, or fathom the awesomeness of sacrifice that was given to us? I praise God every day for it, for Jesus. They sang a song at service for Christmas Eve. A Baby Changes Everything. Who knew on that night so long ago, that this little baby would be changing everything. I pray you remember that as we finish this holiday season!!!

Love to all of you!! Merry Christmas!! Be blessed in our Lord!

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