Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home Stretch....

So I went to the doctor today and had some CD2 lab work and ultrasound today. All I have to now is have an HSG to check my tubes and make sure nothing is inflamed or blocked. That is our last test, then we'll sit back down with the doctor and come up with a protocol to start the IVF. EEK!!!

Its hard to believe we are just about ready to start!!! I'm freaking out just a tad, but excited too. Its been 7 years in the making. This process, trying...We are to the point where we can try! Oh gracious. I'm so stoked. (I know this is nothing new but it is so surreal to me.)

So let's see, something else. I'm sick. I caught a lovely cold from all the sickies at work, it started as just laryngitis with 1/2 a voice, but now I just feel crappy and have no voice. Plus, as you can figure out, CD or cycle day 2 labs means there are other reasons I don't feel well. Work has been nuts and a vacation would be nice! HA!

Matt finished his scuba class, he goes for his first ocean dive class on Friday. I'm hoping someone will be able to take some photos so that I can post him under the water. It will be pretty cool!!!

OK my sickie brain needs to go to bed, I'm not making sense to myself! HA. I'll keep you posted as to what is next in this fun process. Thank you for your continued prayers!! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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