Tuesday, April 10, 2012


A beautiful baby girl named Abigail ElizabethAnne is an IF baby. She is the product of 10 years of waiting, IVF, and wonderful parents waiting and hoping with patience. She is a sister to a little boy named Aaron, also a product of IVF, who shared the same living quarters with his sister.

Sadly Aaron went home to our Lord before there was even a chance of life in this world. But his sister, Abi, carried on like a trooper. Bringing comfort and love to her mommy, as she grieved the loss of her little Aaron.

Abi was born March 24th, 2012, 5 weeks too soon. She weighed in at 5lbs 1oz, and came out screaming and fiesty. Full of fire and absolutely beautiful. But Abi was found to have a defect in her heart, one that would require open heart surgery as soon as possible. At 4 days old, Abi had the surgery to repair her heart, doing as well as expected for the first few days. But on March 31, 2012, God had other plans. Abi joined her brother Aaron at the throne of our Lord.

I met Abi's mom about 7 years ago on Hannah's Prayer. She was in med school, studying to become a doctor, and had such a heart for those who where hurting and wanted to bring comfort. She has the kindest heart and a sensitive spirit, and has always lifted me up during our journey. Mandy and I have never met in person, but I have communicated with her through the world wide web for years. She shared with me her journey of IVF, the shots, ultra sounds, tests and bloodwork leading up to the creation of her perfect 3 embryo's. I prayed and waited anxiously to hear how the 2 she had implanted had done, begging God for my friend to have the gift of motherhood. And he blessed her with her twins. Oh how I rejoiced!! The tears I cried just flowed from heaven, such gratitude and excitement for these precious miracles!! Thank you Lord!

My heart broke at the hearing of Aaron's passing into grace. I fell to my knees, asking God why but praising him for this little girl that remained. When Mandy's water broke, my knees were down again, praying for this precious little girl, asking for an easy delivery, for a successful surgery, for miraculous healing, to make her heart whole. I did not know that God's answer to that prayer would be complete healing, complete wholeness. As he took her home to His arms.

Oh how I have wept, wept for this child. For such a profound loss. I don't understand. I just know that it is not for me to understand.

I'm thankful that I have the chance to pray for this family, to love on them, and most of all to carry the memory of Abi and Aaron with me. I don't know if God will tell these precious little ones of all the people who prayed for them or if they just know, but I do hope that one day I will get to meet them in glory. And to know they are 100% whole and dancing with so many other children I have prayed for over the years!!!

Thank you Mandy for sharing your story and your life with me. I love you ever so much, and am continuing to pray...

Even tho I don't understand Father, I hold true to "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be YOUR name." Because I KNOW that through your promises, you will lift us up!!!

Have a blessed day in the Lord.

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