Monday, February 18, 2008

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

OH MY GOODNESS, dunno if any of you saw it last night!!! But I'm just sitting in awe amazed at this young man and what he stands for...

For those who didn't see, there was this young man who was born disabled and blind, who is in a wheelchair, but has some amazing musical talents! just a cool dude. He had a cool little saying that I loved . He said that to be blind is an ABILITY to him b/c he "sees" people for who they are on the inside b/c he is not able to judge people for what they look like or b/c of their physical disabilities.

So often, Matt is judged b/c he spends his life in a chair. He has to "prove" himself on a daily basis to those who think he does not deserve to be a part of society, much less a hard working, family man. He is judged on his wheels and on what he is unable to do, and b/c of their ignorance, such amazing wonderful qualities are over looked.

I'll give you an example at his work, there was a customer that went to his boss and asked the boss "You let a cripple work in your store? What kind of business is that??" Now luckily Matt's boss has absolutely NO issue with matt and his disability, so most of the time, those kind of people are tossed out on their hineys! He even had a fellow employee that moaned to the boss how "inconvienent" it was to have a person "always underfoot in a wheelchair" that it was unprofessional. Luckily my hubby didn't deck him, and the guy was fired. again YAY for boss!

We had seen Joni Erickson-Tada at our church a few years ago, she shared her life story about breaking her neck and being in a w/c on a full time basis, about her hubby that cares for her etc. She has an amazing testimony and ministry. But she came up to matt after the service and we were chatting. Matt was recently in the chair and struggling with this new form of body image, even though he has been disabled his whole life. joni told matt that "our" struggle (those w/disabilities) are gifts from God b/c we become stronger and more connected with Him. not only that God uses those who are disabled as visual aids for the rest of the world, to teach them to tolerate and accept those who are different. So basically even on the days with the idiots are out and whatever, Matt CHOOSES to say that he is "teaching" by using himself (the visual aid) teaching those who are ignorrant about acceptance. Make sense? I guess it does in my brain! HA!

I pray that someone is inspired by this young man's words that was on the show, so that folks who meet up with people like him, or like my wonderful AMAZING hubby or like anyone else who has some form of disability, they will be "blind" to the outside, and see them for who they are on the inside. Amazing people who bring so much to this world!

OK i'm like all teary and sappy! I loved the show!! "Visual Aids" ROCK!!! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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