Monday, April 26, 2010

Ok, so here we are. :-)

What a crazy ride this has been and we haven't really even started yet!! First off, I lied. Don't keep May 15th open, keep the 23rd open...Sorry had many schedule changes to make this work, but it is purchased and set in STONE!!! BBQ of HOPE will be May 23rd at 11am at Sago Park in Palm Springs, FL. I'm stoked, its a beautiful park and we already have so much planned! Just need some more fine tuning and a guest list. $10 a head for food and drink, but we will also be having a bake sale and raffle to help with the $$ raising. Its gonna be a great time! Come one come all!!!! Bring your kids, bring a friend!

So Matt and I went out to eat tonight just to sit quietly for 2 1/2 hrs and sign consent forms for IVF. Holy gracious sakes its about 20 pages of forms. What we want fertilized, how many to put back in my womb, what to do with left over embryo's, what to do if one or both of us dies, who do we want to care for the embryo's if we both die, do we give them up for donation, do we destroy them (hell to the NO), how many to freeze, do we freeze if only one survives and on and on and on...Needless to say, both our heads were spinning by the time we were done, and that was on iced tea only!!! Sheesh, such complication to have a kid! Gracious!

Thankfully we can just not sign what we don't understand and this Thursday we will have a meeting with the IVF nurse to go over the consents, questions, finances, all that fun stuff. We have a LIST of questions a mile long, but at least they are written down, so if there is any confusion we'll remember what we wanted to ask. OH MY GRACIOUS I feel some hyperventilating coming on....HEE HEE HOO!! HEE HEE HOO!!! I guess this is practice for Lamaze breathing. HA!

So Thursday is the next appt. I have CD2 labs and u/s done and then sometime in the next week or so I start birth control pills (BCP). EEEK! I can't believe this is happening! We are ACTUALLY STARTING IVF!!! Just freaks the crapoley out of me, but yet I know that God is in control. Need to do more of that deep breathing! Good Lord help me! We are excited though. I'm ready, finally ready to proceed forward. Ready for closure, ready for answers. And so ready to hold a little one in my arms. I know I'm jumping the gun, counting my eggs before they hatch (HA!! Or before they even get LAID!), but I'm hopeful. Hopeful that God will bring us the desire of our hearts. But yes, I'm also realistic. Gosh heavy stuff for 10 at night!

So there you have it. Fundraisers, updates, BCP's and the start of the ride!! I feel like the shoulder bars just came down and clicked in to position, and the ride is about to start!!! Aren't you SO excited you get to come on this ride with us??? :-) Well its now or never, and all I can do is look straight ahead, hold on for dear life, and pray that I come out of this still breathing!! (and hopefully not puking! HA) Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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