Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sorry been a little crazy...

A bit of an update. OK a HUGE update!!! :-)

So on Tuesday I went for whats called a Trial Transfer...Basically my RE was measuring the length of my cervix and uterine wall so when we ARE transferring embryo's, there is little trauma as possible. Thankfully trial transfer was a piece of cake. I have a "retro easy entry cervix" woohoo! Aren't we excited. IUI's were pretty easy for me when I had them (very similar process)So this was fine and dandy...bonus for me! YAY One thing that is EASY!!!

Now I told you before that Matt has to be tested and all that, and they were greatly concerned. Well get this. They checked all of Matt's blood minus a few tests that they are still waiting on and everything is 100% perfect. Doesn't look genetic either. So the SA retest showed that even with such a low count there was still about 1% normal out of 500,000...Still a decent enough number for ICSI which was the plan all along. SOOO, she wants him to still see the urology male factor specialist on the 23rd, but they (RE and uro) have already been discussing his case and b/c everything looks normal lab and genetic wise, it is probably secondary to him sitting all the time. No way for the guys too cool b/c he sits in the wheelchair, and, short of him sitting on an ice pack all day, there isn't much we can do. Kinda like a perpetual sauna for the spermies!

BUT we can still move forward w/ICSI and IVF!! YAY! AND, barring any complications, WE ARE STARTING NEXT MONTH! So we need the Uro's go ahead, but b/c everything so far looks normal there is no real reason he would halt the IVF, so with my next period, I start with CD2 labs and u/s, then go on BCP's and Lupron!! Followed by stim, retrieval and transfer! EEEEKKK!!!!!!

This is really happening! I'm so excited. Cautiously excited, but excited none the less. The will freeze 1-2 "samples" from Matt and then collect fresh the day of retrieval (when they pull out my eggs) with the hopes that in those samples they will have enough normal sperm to do the ICSI.

One unfortunate is Dr. K is moving back to NY and will not be the one that does the retrieval, :-(, but she is going to work with the new RE (also a lady who she said is very sweet/compassionate, like minded to her) hand in hand with our case, so she'll basically just pick up where Dr. K will leave off. So it will be Dr. W.

I have to believe that God is laying out this path how it is supposed to fall for a reason. So I'm not stressing, all tho I'm a little sad, but its OK, we'll take it a step at a time!! Even with the new RE.

So that's our update!! In just about 3-4 weeks, the process will begin!! (assuming the urologist clears Matt) Can you believe it?? We need to do some fundraising b/c overall it will be probably close to $7,000 out of pocket, give or take. And, while we are doing much better financially, we are not farmers of money trees. So ideas appreciated it!!!

Continue to pray, we'll keep you posted. Thank you for joining us on this journey. It helps to have some many people care and love us through this! Have a blessed day in the Lord!


Shelley said...

I had no idea!! I am so excited for you! Please keep me updated!

WeLuvOurTwins said...

We will be praying...we did ICSI too!!

WeLuvOurTwins said...

I'll be praying!!! We did ICSI too!

Oldfangled said...

Very exciting, Talley. Keep me posted.

And I thought you might like to know that the word verification I had to type was "dorpoodu."

TMac said...

dorpoodu?? that's AWESOME!!! HA