Thursday, June 14, 2007


We like to keep it interesting:

So matt and I were getting ready to go out to dinner...No big deal. Well he tried to get something out of our guest room closet. Now the closet needs to be redone b/c the shelves are in bad shape. It's the last closet in our house to do...Well all of a sudden it all (and I mean ALL) comes crashing down on to matt...So I'm telling him this is why you aren't supposed to mess with it blah blah, and he says, "I think something hit my head."

i turn around and his face and chest and arms and head are COVERED in blood!!! there is glass everywhere!! YOWSA!

A vase or glass thing fell and shattered on his head (OUCH) and he has cuts on his arms and chest (No shirt on b/c getting dressed) and the bleeder turned out to be a small cut on his head but dang! it bled like there was no tomorrow!!!! Blood everywhere! ick! So I got him cleaned up. It's small and superficial, no stitches thankfully (In my expert medical opinion hee hee) . He had to shower (again he just got out! LOL) to get all the blood off... ICK! I'm going to be cleaning for a while. So much for dinner out. We just ordered a pizza. So much for romantic dinner out!

One of my goals this summer WAS to pull apart that closet, dad was gonna help me redo the shelves and put it back together anyway b/c the craftmenship was crummy. Guess it can't wait. Now everything is on the bed, so I hope no one is coming to visit, I got no where for you to sleep!!!

Never dull here! Oiy vey! Matt is thankfully OK, little cut up and bruised, but will live! I'm just coming down off adrenoline. No fun to see your Hubby covered in blood!!! Phew!

OK, gotta clean more glass now! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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