Friday, June 20, 2008

1 Week 1 Day Post Op

And I have not thrown my hubby out of the house yet!!!

No I'm kidding, he is being a relatively good patient, and not driving me to insane! He is healing very well and has weaned off of most narcotic pain meds except for maybe once a day. Motrin is taking care of the pain! YAY! He goes back on Wednesday to have the stitches removed and the cast put on, so I will definitely give him the GOOD STUFF before we go! :)

Otherwise, all is status quo here. We are incredibly blessed by the outpouring of love and assistance!! We have gotten so many meals that we have NO LIE 7 meals FROZEN in the freezer! Not including whats in the fridge waiting to be eaten! We are still to hold faith that God will continue to supply our needs, whether physical or financial, and so far He has done so for us!

Its just over 2 weeks until Daytona and RACE DAY and receiving the new wheelchair! I can NOT WAIT, neither can Matt. He is just so darn excited and wants to be zoom zooming around the house! (Hopefully not over my toes)

Well its after midnight and I need to get my patient, er husband, and myself to bed. We have a long day of nothing tomorrow! HA! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

As you can see I've been tweeking our blog. I've made the lettering a bit larger and easier for those blind folk to see! :) Fiddled with the colors and order and stuff too! :) So opinions, suggestions. I'll read them!! (doesn't mean I'll follow them tho! hee hee)

1 comment:

Anita said...

Your new adjustments are much better for us "old folks".
Good job!