Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sorry I've been MIA...

Been a bit crazy, and just processing all the info that has been crammed in my brain the last few weeks!!! There are so many things I'm having to process and prepare my heart for. Its been overwhelming, but Matt and my mom and my FRIENDS have been fantastic listening boards to bounce my thoughts off of.

Not only that, Matt's brothers and sister were all here at the same time this weekend! We got to see our nieces and nephew (who are getting SO big!!) and also Matt's long lost family! He has been blown away with excitement (his Mum too!) and we've been over there every day this week since Sunday! Its been a nice distraction from the pain...

I'm also preparing for my surgery, which is tomorrow. I had pre-op last week and had a nice discussion with my GYN, Dr. V. He is FANTASTIC. And lemme tell ya, he is a God-fearin', Jesus-lovin', born again Christian! (he goes to our church, which its a little odd to see your HOO HOO doc at church! LOL) Anyway we were talking about our situation and how his colleague really thinks there is not much time left with my girlie parts. Dr. V tends to agree, but he also knows that we have this chance now. He told me that he just prays that God will bless my womb and our family with the child we so desire. He is so compassionate to our situation! This man prays with us before surgery!! Its pretty cool! So just the fact that he is the one cuttin' makes me feel better.

Also i talked with him about having my appendix out. We've had SO many false alarms with ruptured cysts thinking that my appendix was going to rupture, that Dr. V agreed, its time for it to come out. B/c one of these days I'm not going to pay attention to the horrible pain, and it will be my appy instead of a cyst, and it will pop and we'll have a PROBLEM! So another surgeon who i actually saw in the hospital, will be removing my appendix when I'm under for the Endo. So I'll be staying over night at palms west. FUN OH FUN.

OH update on Matt. Went to MD on Monday. HE IS CLEARED 100% TO BE BACK AT WORK FULL TIME!!! PRAISE THE LORD! He is back to his normal self!

So I'll be out and about for a few days, but will try and post an update in a few days after surgery. Or maybe I'll have Matt actually post!! Its worth a shot. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to struggle with the financial aspect, the IF aspect, and now the healing from surgery!! Have a blessed day in the Lord!


Carolyn said...

I'm praying and look forward to grabbing some coffee as soon as you are up and around!

Anita said...

Yet one more thing that God will help you walk out.
I trust HIM to take care of my "little girl".
I wish though you didn't have to have all these struggles.....but as always, I your mommy will stand by your side along with Matt.'
We love you baby, and keep trusting God's heart when you do not see his hand.
your mommy