Monday, November 24, 2008

Just an Update...

I've been in percocet la la land, so a post probably would not have made much sense! I'm doing well, surgery was successful, my appendix is GONE, endo is GONE, and my tubes are wide open! Praise God! It means we will be able to try to get pregnant "naturally" until we go through the testing and stuff. The first 6 months after a lap, my fertility is "increased". So we might as well take advantage of it!! :D

Otherwise I'm OK. I'm pretty sore, and out of it, but doing OK. I'll be off of work another week, but we're off anyway b/c of thanksgiving on Thursday.

So not much else going on, just chillin' and alternating from the couch to the bed! :) Hope everyone is well! Have a blessed day in the Lord.


Patti said...

Good news to hear. Matt's working and your relaxing.:)Happy Thanksgiving! Give Jon & Kristin hugs from us and Mom & Dad too. I am almost ready for everyone tomorrow, just need to mop. :P Take Care and start practicing for that little one. =)Love, Me

Carolyn said...

Glad for an update and so thankful to hear you are on the upswing!

Anita said...

So glad you're up and blogging.
Just take it easy my dear and I will try and help you with the none ending laundry and housecleaning when ever I can.
That's one way to get a maid,HA!!!!!
I love you much and will see you soon!
Love the mommy

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

Good news!!! Still praying (((hugs)))