Saturday, November 1, 2008

My turn for the Hospital.

Sheesh we got one day off from matt's IV d/c and then I end up in the hospital.

I'm real woozy so forgive me if this is garbly or whatever...I'm on percocet every 5-6 hours and it knocks me for a loop...oh and its gonna be a long post!!!

On Thurs I wasn't feeling good and had seen the doc. Been having lots of lower rt quadrent pain and just feeling over all yuckies. Well MD set me up for an ultra sound (u/s) on Friday drew a bunch of labs and told me to go to the ER if I felt worse or started vomiting. Well a couple hours later I spiked a low grade temp and started vomiting. Pain was intense (8 or 9 out of a 10 pain scale) and it was constant, then would surge to a 2011!! and go back to a constant 8 or 9...pretty much felt like crapola. :( So Matt took me to the hospital...

I walked in and they ushered me back pretty quick, got IV, anti pukey meds, blood work all that. My white count came back elevated, and I was droppen wbc's in my urine. (weird?? no UTI) So they did a CT scan, had to drink 3 cans of gatorade w/contrast! GAG they did a u/s a trans vag u/s, and then the CT with contrast...(here is the funny part, gave me demoral for pain before the u/s, I FELL ASLEEP during the trans vag! LOL the lady had to wake me up, how weird is that?? Never had such a "pleasent" u/s HA!)

Um well based on symptoms, and bloodwork, ER doc admitted me for a consult with surgery (sx) for an appendicitis. but then the CT scan came back negative for inflammation. But ER didn't care and wanted to make sure it was cleared for sure before sending me home. (thank you ER doc) so came in to ER by 8pm and was admitted by midnight. Not to bad. Didn't go to the room until 330am, but at least I wasn't stuck in the ER for all of it.

The house doc came in that morning and I had just taken some heavy duty dilaudid pain meds, so I was OUT OF IT and w/o pain so he was like "your fine, we'll send you home when sx sees you". Which made me so mad b/c something was wrong. No not an appy maybe, but SOMETHING. So i refused pain meds until the sx doc came to see me. Which really was awful b/c I was HURTING something fearce the 5 HOURS later when sx arrived. So sx came, and again said it wasn't an appy b/c of the neg CT but he agreed something was wrong b/c u/s showed free fluid in the pelvic region and a very thick "irregular" lining, but no large cysts, and my elevated WBC's. BUT HE SAW ME IN PAIN and believed something was off b/c of that. So he wanted to consult MY gyn b/c he'd worked with him before, so we called him and of course he was out of town. but his partner came...but then I got pain meds and i was much happier! and they let me eat since no immediate sx.

Here comes that crapola part:
GYN came in, tends to agree with sx that its not appy and i have a "benign belly" however obviously something is wrong. (DUH) he was very sweet, sat down next to me with mom and just talked for 1/2 hr. Said it seems like I need a lap, but its not "emergant" so we want to wait fo rmy doc Dr. V to do surgery, but wanted to watch me one more night, do labs and then send me home if all normal. Anyway he is sure I have adhesions that are pulling and causing the severe pain. Possibly a "stuck" ovary? but its hard to tell from the outside. He listened to my history and asked my staging and all that. and through that he basically said that I'm running out of time. That i'm going in to "pelvic failure" due to my 18 year history of endo and all the surgeries and all that. He said i'm headed toward a hysterectomy ( LOTS OF TEARS ) so I lost it of course, poor guy had a weepy drugged chick on his hands. His recommendation is to clean me out ASAP like next week if possible, GO TO THE RE (the new specialist we're gonna see) on Monday (b/c it will provide a chance, and hope and possibilities), gyn went to school with our new RE and he is one of the best! Praise god on that and he is on my insurance! YAY, and that matt and I need to devote the next 12-18 months to try and get PG...B/c i'm almost out of time, my uterus and system is just not gonna last to much longer. and pain like this I can NOT function, nor can I function on percocet around the clock. (NOt that I want to! BLEH) So real bomb shell, kind of confirmation that we need to move forward like we want to, but now we've got to figure out how, what we can do, what we should do, what we can afford to do... I'm so not ready to give up that dream of a bio child and/or carrying a child from Embryo adoption (more on that in the future).

So matt and I have had a lot of conversations the last 12-18 hrs...So anyway got a horrid hangover migraine from the dilaudid, so switched to the percs, which don't get rid of all the pain, but make it manageable. SO I go to the RE appt on Monday and try and get into GYN on Tues or monday morning, and see about having a lap and getting into treatments to get PG...I'm jumping in full force, now we'll see if I can sink or swim! OIY.

My bloodwork was back to normal this AM, and pain has not differed any, and no fever, so they felt OK to send me home. No reason to wait at the hospital for a surgery that may not be till end ov next week or later. I'm to return if pain worsens and temp >101. No work till Wednesday but if we can get me in for surgery, we'll just miss out the week. We'll see, haven't talked with my boss yet, she'll be thrilled I'm sure! UGH.

SIGH so its been a crazy weekend, I still feel yucky, and hurt. But I'm gonna have to just suck it up and take it on like the rest of my pain, try and work through it. the GYN was very sweet and understanding, He explained endo adhesions like this: he said the peritoneal cavity is VERY sensitive, and if you take your finger, put super glue on it and touch your eyeball and PULL, its gonna hurt like heck! He said that the peritoneal cavity is that sensitive, so if you have an adhesion, its like pulling glue and causes severe pain. And being all the other stuff was ruled out, endo is the logical conclusion.

If you made it this far you are an angel! Sorry tend to ramble more when drugged. But it IS my blog!! :) So that's it. Pain meds, rest, and MD appts. And prayer's for a pregnancy, or God showing me its time to move past biological and on to adoption. But it will be a loss I'll have to grieve! b/c I so yearn to carry a child, bio or EA...Just a lot to process, and its hard to process on drugs! hee hee...

So that's it. More later, Have a blessed day in the Lord!!


Meridith said...

Welcome home... (((hugs)))

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

omg the super glue/eyeball analogy made my knees go weak! lol

I am so sorry you're hurting, but glad you're home. I've been praying for ya, and still am! *hugs*

Jen said...

Hey! I know you! I got a google alert about Embryo Adoption linking to this blog and I was totally surprised to click the link and see your picture staring back at me! =)

Welcome home!


Carolyn said...

OH MY WORD!!!!! I'll be praying for your full recovery and for your appt wiht Dr. R on Monday. I will be at his office at 8:30 for bloodwork...I wonder if I'll see you!? Love ya

Bickerton and Bickerton said...

(Message from L.B. who doesn't have her own blogger account and is too lazy to create one) Our prayers are with you, girl. BTW, if this is the medical language you use drugged up, I'm in fear of what dictionaries I'll have to dig up to read the updates when you're not hopped up on meds. ;o)

Jen said...

Prayers for you for sure! I had endometriosis removed back in February. It is NO fuN! That & a gall bladder full of gall stones removed Oct. 07...I know the pain, its horrid. I hope you both get the answers you seek.

Sara said...

Oh (((Talley)))
I'm so sorry you're in such pain with no real dx as of yet. Good luck at your appt today & tomorrow. I'll be keeping you in prayer. Keep hoping...