And our newest beta went from 488 to 1623!! My doubling time is at 55 hours now which is FANTASTIC!!! AND we are ready to make the appt with the RE to have the "OB" appt AND ultrasound (u/s) to see the little heartbeat!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!
I'm also a bit exhausted. Apparently Jr is getting a kick at sucking me dry from the core of my very being!!! Thankfully its normal during early pregnancy, but holy cow me pooped!!! Trying to rest as much as possible and thankfully Matt has been very understanding to my lazy sleepy self!
We are officially 5wk 4 days preggie. Only 34.3 to go! LOL. I've been researching what is going on in our little one right now. Its amazing to think what is happening in silence inside of me!! Its just this is a copy of what is occurring:
As early as this week, the plate that will become the heart has developed. Your baby's brain, spinal cord, muscles, and bone formation are also beginning to form. The baby's skeleton is forming at this time as well. The embryo has a distinct organization that has a top, bottom, left, right, front and back. The baby has not grown very much from last week and is now approximately 1.25 mm long. You will not `show` yet for some time.
Yea well that part is wrong. I'm not "showing" per say, but I'm definitely changing and pudgier in my mid section. But then again I never totally shrunk after IVF.
Can you believe it? My little ones heart is forming, getting ready to beat!! I just am in awe of the creation of life!! What a miraculous thing and I get to be a part of it! God is so good...
Well I'm gonna go back to the couch to veg. Matt will be home soon and quite frankly, I'll probably be in bed soon! HA! You have no idea how much your prayers, comments, thoughts, donations, and love have been such a blessing to us!! We are overwhelmed by the amount of people who love and care for us! God is just humbling me in this over abundance of grace! Oh how unworthy I am, but how amazing our God is for blessing me in spite of the unworthiness. My heart is over flowing with praise!!!
I leave you with a pic of what Jr is looking like right now!! Pretty cool huh? Have a blessed day in the Lord!
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