Monday, May 28, 2007

Bye Bye 3 day weekend! :*(

So I can't say much happened this weekend, all though it was very nice. Saturday I hung out with my Mum in law and inherited some towels, sheets, and silverware! YAY all stuff we needed! Thanks MUM!. Then we went over to Kristin's parents house for a little memorial day BBQ. We had a blast, ate good food and the girls kicked the boy's BUTTS in catch phrase! WE ROCK!! GIRLS RULE AND BOYS DROOL!!!

Today I lounged around the house and did a little cleaning, little laundry, stayed in my PJ's until 430PM....Embarrassing I know, but hey, I'm allowed a lazy day! I did get dressed and matt and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3...Good movie, VERY active... and long, man I had to tinkle with all that soda we drank!!!! Looking forward to the last week of school and shutting down for a nice long summer. We'll see how all goes... Rumor has it that School nurses are at risk of losing our jobs with the lovely tax cuts our governor is trying to magically make happen...Unfortunately, helping some they have to step on some as well...It's a scary prospect, b/c I carry the health insurance, but I know God is in control and we are gonna just have to hold on to His guidance. All will be OK, but prayers are welcome. We are prayerfully considering starting treatment again in the upcoming month. Maybe do an IUI (interuterine insemination) AKA artificial insemination. It increases are chances of becoming pg...But we aren't sure if we want to start next month or in July. We are praying about that too.

So as you can see, lots to pray about! Well it is late and I have to get up early tomorrow! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

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