Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm just plain tuckered out...

It has been a long crazy day!! It involved 911, 27,000 phone calls (OK bit of an exaggeration), a visit to a patient, IV, J tube, wound care, and 4 1/2 extra hours after work!!! Again I say...


But here I am at 1145pm typing up a bit of a blog post! Nothing new and exciting, which is so strange for us. But I just feel the urge to post about whatever is on my mind, which today, that would be NOTHING. HA! I'm hoping that by writing, more will come to the surface, and more are back and reading, now that I'm more faithful.

Can I just say, I love my job? Things are going so well, even amidst the crazy day. It is such a blessing in so many ways that I can't even begin to write them down. GOD IS GOOD! Can I get an AMEN?? And to work with one of my bud's who is a God fearing, Jesus loving just is plain amazing. I just have to say that I am so blessed!!! Thank you Lord! See all those months and years of prayers for God to pull us through WORKED. Thank you for holding us up and lifting up our needs to God, b/c he has made it quite clear he is listening.

I just pray, that some day, our most precious desire will come true. I was babbling to J about my promise ring/chastity ring, whatever you want to call it, that I wore prior to marriage. My hub and I were good little doobies and waited til we were married to join in marital union. (HA! I don't feel comfy saying, S E X online!! *blush* hee hee) Anyway I was telling her about giving the ring to Matt that will then one day go to our first born daughter. I IMMEDIATELY got all teary eyed because, I don't know if I'll have a daughter to give it to. My tradition and gift may stop with me because I may not be a mom. That sucks. One of those unexpected blows that pop up now and then, catch me off guard. I have to recenter myself, and get it back to OK. Gosh but it was hard today...Luckily I had to go see a patient so I was able to do so quickly but, man, i struggled!!! So alas, even when all is going right in the world, the gi-normous elephant in the room peeks his head around the corner and reminds me that I'm still a heartbroken infertile woman. Good thing I'm more then that to God, cuz that's a suck-face thing to be.

One step forward in growth and healing, 27 steps back. Sigh. The never ending path.

I guess somethings will just always be a part of who I am. One day I'll be OK with it. Guess today was not that day!! Praise God for grace, to pick me back up once I land flat on my face. Have a blessed day in the Lord.

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