Friday, October 17, 2008

So I've been tagged.

I was tagged by a friend today. The challenge of the tag? Write six things that make me happy. They are to be specific things and not generalities like "seeing my hubby" type stuff. So here ya go, in no particular order of importance...

1. The anticipation of a vacation and the planning of said vacation!!
2. Getting a pedicure with my girlfriend and just being pampered and doted on.
3. Watching my hubby try to make dinner and succeeding while I get to sit on the couch and relax!
4. GETTING or GIVING "S's". In my family an "s" is a surprise. A little something that you were given for no particular reason.
5. Making a difference in a child's life.
6. Watching my fur babies frolic and play, ALWAYS puts a smile on my face!

So now I get to tag some girls. I tag Shelley, Amy, Danielle B., Anita, Patti, and Carolyn. Even if you don't have a blog, sit down and figure out 6 things that make YOU happy!

Have a blessed day in the Lord!

1 comment:

Scotti said...

Yay! I should add a 7th thing to my list...reading other people's lists! :)