Monday, June 21, 2010

Ponderings of a hormonal girl...

OK hormonal woman. OK RAGING hormonal woman!!! :-) I've been sitting and thinking and pondering about our little embryos and the transfer tomorrow. I've felt like crap pretty much all day, gaggy-pukey-pain-ickiness all around, but its funny, it has me thinking MORE about what is to come.

I am a mom. Now I don't know or really care so much about what your belief is on life at conception or at 20 wks or when baby takes his first breath. To each their own. But Matt and I? We believe in life at conception. At the time part of him and part of me mingle together and form 2 cells then 4 cells. We believe that we have 10 little children, currently cell shaped, waiting for our decision of what we will do.

In this case 1 or 2 will be put back safely in my womb where Lord willing he/she will grow for 9 more months and pop out say next April/May. But its surreal to think, Matt and I have created a life, lots of little lives!! that is just so overwhelming to me! And a blessing and a MIRACLE! Its mind boggling.

Our prayer of course is to hold a couple of these little cells in my arms as a full grown baby, but for now, I'm just resting in the fact that we have LIFE. Tomorrow begins the next days of the rest of our life, and for today, I just want to rejoice, for tomorrow, those little ones could be gone until this side of heaven.

As I said, ramblings of a hormonal girl. Physically I'm feeling better tonight then I was today, but I'm quite weary of feeling so crappy. I pray it passes and tomorrow is uneventful. Amazingly, Matt wasn't gonna be able to come with me and mom was going to take me and be with me when they did the transfer. But Apple decided to rearrange schedules for the new iPhone launch and low and behold they gave Matt Tuesday off!! Not even knowing he needed it! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!??!! So My hubby gets to be WITH me in the same room when I get PUPO. (Such a better thought then getting knocked up with him in another county! HA) What a blessing, God is so good!

OK off to bed with me and my swollen body parts, for tomorrow I become preggie. Hopefully for a very long 9 months!! In all things, to God be the glory and His will be done. Will you rejoice with me today? As God has allowed life to come of this! Have a blessed day in the Lord!


Patti said...


YvonneP said...

Soo hoping and praying your little embryo grows and grows and grows into a little one you hold in your hands!